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Senior Advisor

Iris van Slooten

Being in contact with people energises me. I am always interested in someone else’s outlook on life. That is why I tend to listen and ask a lot of questions. I believe in nuance; things are rarely black and white for me. I see people—the elderly, in particular—as a source of life experience and knowledge that pushes you to think outside your own box.

Feel at ease

I like to put people at ease, whether it’s during a good conversation, a home cooked dinner at home or my work. It is, therefore, not surprising that I ended up in the hotel world after studying Hospitality Management. In a pleasant hotel environment, you feel at home away from home, and as comfortable as possible. I am still focused on this all the time. After ten years in the hotel business, I came across The Hogeweyk®. There was a stark contrast between The Hogeweyk® and the image I had of care for dementia. If, due to your circumstances, you are no longer able to live at home, the feeling of still ‘being at home’ and just living a normal life is essential. At The Hogeweyk®, I experience the difference that we make to people’s lives every day. That experience is a huge motivator for me to help others who are inspired by our vision.

"Things are rarely black and white"

People-oriented person looking for the 'why'

Inspiring people with our vision of normal living for people with and without dementia motivates me enormously. I work with a great diversity of organisations, cultures and backgrounds every day, and that makes me very happy. It’s fascinating how different the road to a better quality of life can look but, in the end, it all boils down to the same thing: living your life the way you want. I think it’s important to develop our thinking with others to realise new concepts together that suit a particular country, culture and context. This is also essential today.

Study visit in theater The Hogeweyk

Study visit Spanish delegation

Multi-day orientation session in South Bend, USA

Study visit Spanish delegation

Multi-day orientation session Crossmount, Canada

Study visit Brazilian delegation

Study visit Japanese delegation


The Hogeweyk Care Concept

I have become a real know-it-all in The Hogeweyk® Care Concept. I am available for advice and support based on my knowledge and experience with international projects. I can help you dream big and come up with practical ways to make your dreams a reality. I will inspire and challenge you to come up with your own vision, and support you in its development and implementation. I enjoy talking about my passion and I regularly share my knowledge and experience in keynote speeches both at home and abroad.

The settled life

Family, Friends, Faith, Food and aiming for Fit. I enjoy the settled life. The solid ground beneath my feet, a nice home base to fall back on and unwind. A comfortable family situation with many welcome excesses is the ideal combination for me. Travelling to faraway (and recently more nearby) places, capturing all the beauty of the world on camera, lots of dinners and socialising; I particularly enjoy doing and learning many new things. It’s hard to find time to enjoy a book with a young family, and there are still many books left on my must-read list— something to look forward to.

Let's meet!

Would you like to know more about The Hogeweyk® Care Concept, our vision and our thinking? Or do you have questions about what we do? Don’t hesitate to get in touch!

Iris van Slooten

Get in touch with me