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LIVING with dementia. Beyond the institute. Person-centred. Disruptive. Revolutionary. Advice and support.

Study visit to The Hogeweyk Covid

Be Advice

You know us from The Hogeweyk®

We are known as the founders of The Hogeweyk (The Netherlands), also known as dementia village. It was our first attempt at a complete de-institutionalisation of the traditional nursing home model. Not an institution, but a place where you can live your life as normally as possible. It sounds easy, but doing this sort of thing in healthcare is pretty complicated. How do you go from intention to doing?

More about what we do More about The Hogeweyk

Impact through vision

The Be Advice team is creating a global movement with a radically different perspective on care, living and wellbeing for people living with dementia. We advise on and support the creation and implementation of innovative care concepts for elderly people with dementia all over the world. The world renowned The Hogeweyk (The Netherlands), also known as dementia village, was the first outcome of our thinking.

With years of experience as a hands-on agent for change and advisor, we challenge people to let go of old ways of thinking. We listen, inspire and challenge; we support innovation, vision and concept development and assist with implementation.

Become part of the worldwide movement. Be different, Be you!

Who we are More about our impact


Quality of life

Our paradigm

Our integral and inclusive vision forms part of the Be Advice Paradigm©— an instrument that we use together with you and that inspires and supports creating a unique outcome for the elderly, time and time again, whether they are living with dementia or not.

More about the Be Advice Paradigm©

"It’s a unique place, and when you visit you can’t help thinking: if I’m unlucky enough to be diagnosed with dementia, this is the place I’d like to be. And I should add: The Hogeweyk isn’t some exclusive private facility for the super-rich. Working with existing budgets and a lot of creativity, this care community delivers a top-level performance day in, day out."

Mark Rutte | Prime Minister, The Netherlands

"Thank you again for your hospitality when we visited back in January. It was a fascinating and illuminating visit."

Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety | Australia

"Your information and experience had swept the nation and the world and it must feel so amazing to have made deep changes in people's perception of what a care home can be!"

Barbara Lindsay | Interim CEO, Alzheimer Society of B.C. (Canada)

"I am thrilled that work is underway in Canada to establish a Hogeweyk-certified dementia village in Crossmount, Saskatchewan. The design of this village is a testimony to your important work in this field."

The Honourable Ginette Petitpas Taylor, P.C., M.P. | Minister of Health, Canada

"The advisors were engaging, enthusiastic, had a willingness to share, thoughtful, informed, open, honest, insightful with regards to the issues our countries share with our populations and politics. Also we felt we had a very real, informed conversation and we left with a feeling that we could rely on you as partners in the new venture for our own partnership."

Rob McCulloch-Graham | Chief Officer Health & Social Care, Scottish Borders Health & Social Care Partnership

"From our embryonic ideas for changing the way dementia care is delivered here in the UK to the emergence and creation of a project that is set to materialise as the first of its kind in the UK, this would not have been possible without the inspirational support of the Be Advice team. Janette, Yvonne and Eloy have coached and believed in our vision and never faltered in their enthusiasm and support for iMind. They continue to support, inform and assist in driving the UK project forward. Both at the planning and operational phase of the development, Be Advice will continue to be an integral part of our iMind team thus guiding and shaping how once a dream can become a reality."

Anne Reed | Managing Director of iMind Initiative Ltd, United Kingdom

"As the CEO for the Alzheimer Society of B.C. I firmly believe that before there’s a cure, there’s care. Quality, innovative care makes a difference for people with dementia and the Alzheimer Society of B.C. greatly appreciates the dementia care conversation that Be Advice has ignited. Be Advice shares the society’s vision of a more dementia-friendly society and I truly feel that they are providing inspiration for all of us who are striving toward person-centred care – the care that people with dementia deserve."

Maria Howard | Former CEO, Alzheimer Society of B.C. (Canada)

"As a design anthropologist, researcher and educator I consistently aim to explore cutting-edge design solutions that respond to significant sociocultural issues such as caring for people with dementia. Further research at The Hogeweyk continues to inspire design solutions for the care of older adults in Alberta and beyond."

Megan Strickfaden | Associate Professor, Department of Human Ecology, University of Alberta, Canada

"On behalf of the Schneider Electric team, thank you very much for the incredibly inspiring visit. It was all anyone could talk about for the rest of the day and truly an unique perspective. You did a tremendous job at highlighting exactly what we spoke about as well as elaborating more in depth and that created a memorable experience that the group will be talking about for quite some time to come. "

Sandra Bednarz | Program Manager, WDHB Strategic Learning on behalf of Schneider Electric

What can we do for you?

Make use of our knowledge and experience

  • Concept development
  • Process acceleration
  • Sounding boards
  • On-site project advice
  • Bespoke programmes
  • Workshops
  • Masterclasses
  • Brainstorming and think tank sessions
  • Keynote speeches
  • Study visits to The Hogeweyk®

Get in touch with us More about what we do

Meet us here


Eloy speaks at the NZPI Annual Conference, Waihōpai-Invercargill (New Zealand)

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Iris participates in Walking The Talk for Dementia, Santiago de Compostella, Spain

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