"The following is something that we often say. We are eternally grateful for your support and encouragement, for the challenging questions you asked us for the guidance and direction. For the wisdom and advice. For your generosity. We would never have made it. We are not big and flash but we made it and our care is amazing."
Thérèse Jeffs | Chief Executive, The CARE Village (New Zealand)
Be Advice
Hoe wij hebben ondersteund?
Chief Executive, Thérèse Jeffs kwam na onderzoek terecht bij De Hogeweyk® en Be Advice. Geïnspireerd door het concept vroeg Whare Aroha Be Advice om de ontwikkeling en creatie van een op het concept van De Hogeweyk gebaseerde locatie in Nieuw-Zeeland te ondersteunen. Uiteraard passend binnen de Nieuw-Zeelandse cultuur. We hebben het team in diverse trainingen diepgaand kennis laten maken met het Hogeweyk® Care Concept. Dit vormde de basis voor de ontwikkeling van The CARE Village. Om deze reden stond het Whare Aroha vrij “inspired by The Hogeweyk®” te gebruiken. We werkten samen met het dedicated team en fungeerden als klankbord tijdens het ontwerpproces. We hebben stakeholders en beleidsmakers beïnvloed, wat heeft geresulteerd in de realisatie van The CARE Village.
"The CARE Village team have been inspired by The Hogeweyk and created a NZ interpretation of the lifestyle, social relational model of care. We are eternally grateful to the founders, Jannette Spiering and Yvonne van Amerongen of The Hogeweyk for the encouragement, support and the sharing of knowledge that they so willing gave us. They were always available, their enthusiasm reassuring. They helped us plan and navigate around the many decisions and challenges along our incredible journey to success. The village model is the right thing to do. The CARE Village team thank you Jannette, Yvonne and The Hogeweyk."
Thérèse Jeffs | Chief Executive, The CARE Village (New Zealand)
Vragen over The CARE Village?
Hier praat ik graag met je over door!
Jannette Spiering
+31 6 222 41 912