Voormalig verpleeghuis Hogewey voordat de nieuwe wijk in 1999 werd geopend
Onze innovatiereis
Onze innovatiereis is een inspiratiebron voor bedrijven in de zorg maar zéker ook daarbuiten. Het proces van verandering en transformatie dat wij hebben doorlopen legt een aantal essentiële elementen bloot die óók interessant zijn voor hele andere typen bedrijven uit bijvoorbeeld de detail- en groothandel, industrie en zakelijke dienstverlening.
Wat doen Daimler en Schneider Electric in De Hogeweyk?
Dit programma is bij uitstek geschikt voor organisaties die op zoek zijn naar nieuwe inspiratie om daarmee hun eigen innovatieproces te voeden. Hoe denk je écht outside-the-box? Innovatie stelt andere eisen aan de organisatie en leiderschap. Wat betekent dat voor jou? Hoe doorbreek je patronen en overwin je weerstand binnen jouw organisatie? En het allerbelangrijkste: wat wil je klant nou werkelijk? Staat de klant écht centraal? Binnen de complexe omgeving van een verpleeghuis laten we zien hoe wij voldoen aan individuele behoeften. We nemen we je mee op onze reis; een reis terug naar de bedoeling.
"A thank you from us at PwC Japan. It was a pleasure to meeting you Iris. Ware truly appreciative of the well informed and structured explanation and tour of The Hogeweyk. We left extremely impressed and inspired by what you are doing, as well as becoming very intrigued by your business model. We hope you will continue being a safe and comfortable best alternative to dementia patients own homes."
Yuki Isogai | Partner, PwC Japan
"On behalf of the Schneider Electric team, thank you very much for the incredibly inspiring visit. It was all anyone could talk about for the rest of the day and truly an unique perspective. You did a tremendous job at highlighting exactly what we spoke about as well as elaborating more in depth and that created a memorable experience that the group will be talking about for quite some time to come. "
Sandra Bednarz | Program Manager, WDHB Strategic Learning on behalf of Schneider Electric
"On behalf of both Daimler and WDHB I wanted to take a moment to say thank you for your presentation and participation in our program. The Hogeweyk is beautiful and our dialogue was incredibly powerful for the Daimler delegation. They were quite animated discussing what they had experienced during this segment of the program. Many of the points you made came up during our internal debriefings as thought provoking, compelling and eye-opening."
Vincent Vasina | Program Manager Daimler AG, WDHB Strategic Learning
"On behalf of the Philip Morris International and the entire WDHB team, I want to thank you for taking the time to share your insights with us last week. It left a valuable impression on the group and managed to open many eyes."
Kim Schuerch | Program Manager, WDHB Strategic Learning
"In the name of Deutsche Telekom and WDHB, we wanted to thank you sincerely for this amazing experiential afternoon and deeply meaningful exchange you offered us on Wednesday. Each and every one of the participant - us included - has been sincerely touched by your attention to each human being that lives in Hogeweyk. One of the participant told us that it was for him the most significant visit he had never done for 30 years of his professional life! You have really left a trace in every one´s heart and a renewed impression of whatprogram it is to genuinely change some lives."
Celine Chevalley and Killian Fjellbakk | Program Managers, WDHB Strategic Learning
"Many participants felt you were the highlight of their overall experience and it has really challenged them to step back and take in the entire picture when thinking about how they approach their customers. Thank you both for such a great experience."
Sandra Bednarz | Schneider Electric, Program Manager, WDHB Strategic Learning