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Bellmere, Australia

NewDirection Care, Microtown™

NewDirection Care is a residential community for the elderly with complex care needs and for those living with dementia or early-onset dementia. It is a place where residents can enjoy fulfilling and happy lives beyond their diagnosis—socialising, staying active, pursuing hobbies and continuing to play a role in the community.

How we supported

Be Advice inspired Natascha Chadwick, leading lady of NewDirection Care, during a study visit to The Hogeweyk®. A multi-day, in-depth study & orientation session followed. Be Advice acted as a sounding board during the design of the world’s first Microtown™ and hosted workshops for staff.

"The Hogeweyk was one of the inspirations behind the NewDirection Care microtown™. NewDirection Care at Bellmere is a fully inclusive residential aged care community for older people living with dementia or complex care needs and those living with young onset dementia, based on the Australian way of life. Visiting The Hogeweyk and undertaking a master class with Janette, Eloy and the team around the dementia village concept helped us incorporate some of the same principles for all of our residents no matter what their diagnosis. Our ongoing collaboration is highly valued."

Natasha Chadwick | Founder & CEO of NewDirection Care

Questions about NewDirection Care?

I am happy to discuss it with you!

Jannette Spiering
+31 6 222 41 912

Get in touch with me